You can also contact PMU Cosmetics for correcting your old or failed permanent make-up. Unfortunately, there are providers who are not specialists who want to “add on” permanent make-up in addition to all their other treatments. They often have followed a short training of a few days and have to gain practical experience with very little theoretical knowledge and practical experience.
You probably fell victim to it.
Applying permanent make-up is a profession! At PMU Cosmetics you can have your failed permanent make-up corrected or removed and reapplied. We can solve problems such as a wrong shape, or orange, gray or blue permanent make-up! In some cases, laser removal of your old permanent make-up is still possible before new permanent make-up is applied. If you have any questions or are unsure whether your old permanent make-up can still be corrected, make an appointment for a free intake. Often a good result is certainly possible!
Correcting old permanent make-up is an after-treatment for new clients. Depending on the extent to which correction is required, one or two additional treatments are required. These will then fall under the rates of existing customers. On our Facebook page or under our Portfolio you can see examples of corrections of old or incorrectly applied permanent make-up.
What customers say
PMU Cosmetics is a member of the Dutch Foundation for Registered Permanent Make-up Specialists (NSGP). The NSGP was established to assist consumers in finding a qualified permanent makeup (PMU), medical pigmentation (MP) specialist or an all-round PMU specialist. To become a member, an exam at Master's level must be taken. With this you can be assured that the knowledge and implementation of permanent make-up by PMU Cosmetics is of a high level. To remain a member, the specialist must attend Masterclasses annually to keep up with her level of knowledge of the latest developments.