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Scar improvement


Scars can be unsightly if they are in a place where they are visible or if they bother you. However, it is possible to improve the visibility of scars. The first possibility is to pigment depigmented scars in skin color by means of medical pigmentation. However, it is also possible to soften adherent scars. In addition, it is possible to reactivate depigmented scars that do not contain a capillary blood vessel system, so that they start producing pigment cells and become softer.


Scar Softening Solution

With a special attachment for the device with which the medical pigmentation is applied, the Scar Softening Solution serum can be applied into the skin.  Harde adherent scars gradually dissolve with this. This product should only be used in hard adherent scars and offers wonderful results to improve the scar. The result becomes visible after three treatments. There should be four weeks between each treatment.


Recharge Nano Serum

This serum is applied in the same way in the skin and is especially intended for the treatment of white / soft scar tissue. It helps regenerate the capillary blood vessel system. It is effective in reactivating the skin's own pigment cells and softens the scar tissue. The result becomes visible after three treatments. There should be four weeks between each treatment. Contains Hyaluronic Acid, Perfluorocarbon and Hystamine.

happy customers

Everyone thinks it's wonderful and thinks I have a different face (positive).  It turned out to be 100% better than expected, but this is due to the good guidance! My thanks for that.

Portrait of Senior Man
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